Giving Back to the Community
Skiing for Kids Sake
We feel it is part of our responsibility as the local ski team supported by our community to give back some of our resources and time each year.
Fight Against
Childhood Cancer
The Shawano Ski Sharks are working with Big Pull and the MACC Fund to host an event late in the summer to raise funds for the fight against childhood cancer.
August 26, 2023
7:00 AM to 7:30 PM
All proceeds from the event go to the MACC Fund to fight childhood cancer
National record attempt for the most skier rides in a single day - goal 2000+
Show skiers from all over the midwest will come to attempt to break the record
Food vendors on site, so come check out some tasty items
Local craft beer vendor
Mass ski show at 6:00 PM including the Ski Sharks and record participants
All USA-Waterski members are welcome to participate in the record event and evening show - event rules and registration coming mid-April
Live music from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
If you have questions, please email them to: admin@skisharks.org

Tentative Schedule for the Day
** this is subject to change!
Saturday - August 26
5:00 AM - Site setup / floating banner placement / buoy placement
6:15 AM - Everyone on-site for safety brief and equipment prep (initial crew)
6:45 AM - First acts on dock and setup
7:00 AM - First pull
4:00 PM - Last pull ??
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM - Live music at the ski site
6:00 PM - Big mass ski show